===== Resetting a Kniwwelino board using the Kniwwelino Flashtool ===== For the following procedure you need a PC or Mac with the Kniwwelino Flashtool installed. For more information on how to install the Kniwwelino Flashtool see [[en:preparation:flashtoolinstall|]]. 1. Open the Flashtool. The following window will show. {{:en:preparation:flashtool_01.jpg?300|}} \\ 2. Select the COM port where you Kniwwelino is connected to (number might differ) {{:en:preparation:flashtool_02.jpg?300|}} \\ 3. Click on “Reset to factory defaults” {{:en:preparation:flashtool_08.jpg?300|}} \\ The message “Writing Firmware” will appear. After about 30 seconds, the Kniwwelino will reboot and a demo programm will run.