Table of Contents



Write a text on the matrix

Replace Hello Kniwwelino with any text or number you want to display on the matrix. This text will then scroll over the matrix.


Clear the matrix

This block switches off all the LEDs of the matrix.

Show an icon on the matrix

With this block you can define an image to be shown on the matrix. Each of the squares corresponds to one of the LEDs of the matrix. Click on the square to color it in red and through this, switch it on. If you click again, the LED switches off again.

Predefined icon

This block represents a predefined icon. Choose one of the list and use the block show an icon on the matrix to display it.

Custom icon

This block represents an icon. Each of the squares corresponds to one of the LEDs of the matrix. Click on the square to color it in red and through this, switch it on. If you click again, the LED switches off again.

Draw a pixel on the matrix

With this block you switch an individual pixel of the matrix on or off.


Read a pixel on the matrix

With this block you can read the current state of a LED of the matrix. Returns 1 if the LED is currently on, and 2 if it is off.


Set matrix brightness

This block allows you to set the brightness of all the LEDs of the matrix. The value must be in between 1 (dark) and 15 (bright). Default value is 10.

Set matrix blinkrate

With this block you can make the matrix blink. After using it, all next assignments on the matrix will blink.



The following image shows an example for programming the matrix: a heart blinking in two different brightnesses.

You can make such an animation by defining a sequence of images. For each image you can change the brightness. Use the block wait X seconds / milliseconds after each image block. This will define how long the image shall be shown on the matrix before the next assignment on the matrix.