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en:installationarduino [2018/09/13 07:16] kniwwelinoen:installationarduino [2019/06/05 07:57] (current) kniwwelino
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 +====== Installing Arduino IDE for Kniwwelino ======
 +This section describes how to setup Arduino IDE to be used for Kniwwelino development. It only has to be done if you like to use Kniwwelino without the KniwwelinoBlockly or if you working with Windows, Linux or Mac OSX.
 +  - Ordered List ItemDownload [[https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software|latest Arduino IDE]] launch it after installation.
 +  - Add support for the Kniwwelino hardware to the Arduino IDE 
 +    * OSX select from the Menu: **Arduino > Preferences** / Windows and Linux **File > Preferences**
 +    * Paste **http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json** into the field **Additional Boards Manager URLs** {{ :en:installation:preferences_040.png?nolink&600 |}}
 +    * Restart Arduino IDE
 +    * Select from the Menu: **Tools > Board:  > Boards Manager...**
 +    * Type **ESP** into the search box of the Boards Manager window.{{ :en:installation:boards_manager_039.png?nolink&600 |}}
 +    * **Make sure you installed it in version __2.4.0__**
 +    * Select the ESP8266 and press install button  
 +  - Installation of all necessary libraries:
 +      * Select from the Menu: **Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries...**
 +      * Search for the following libraries and install them by selecting the Library and pressing the install button. __Be careful to use the correct version.__ 
 +        * Kniwwelino
 +        * Adafruit GFX Library __v1.2.2__
 +        * Adafruit NeoPixel __v1.1.6__
 +        * ArduinoJson __v5.11.1__
 +        * MQTT by Joel Gaehwiler __v2.3.1__
 +        * WifiManager __v0.12__
 +        * Time __1.5__
 +        * TimeAlarms __1.5__
 +        * TimeZone __1.1.1__
 +   - Now you should be able to find the **WeMos D1 R2 & mini** in the list of supported boards **Tools > Board: __WeMos D1 R2 & mini__** . 
 +   - It is important that you set the Flash Size to **4M (3M SPIFFS)** in **Tools > Flash Size : 4M (3M SPIFFS)**. 
 +More info available on the **[[https://github.com/LIST-LUXEMBOURG/KniwwelinoLib|Kniwwelino github page]]**.
 +If you have troubles with librairies, try to download [[https://doku.kniwwelino.lu/_media/en/download/kniwwelinodependencies_1.2.0.zip|kniwwelinodependencies_1.2.0.zip]] and extract the archive in your Arduino>librairies folder.
  • en/installationarduino.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/06/05 07:57
  • by kniwwelino