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en:reference:rgb [2017/11/06 11:04] kniwwelinoen:reference:rgb [2018/01/23 13:06] (current) kniwwelino
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 +====== RGB LED ======
 +===== API =====
 +==== void RGBsetColor(String col) ====
 +Set the RGB LED of the board to show the given color.
 +''col = color to show as String in format #FF00FF first 2 digits specify the RED, second the GREEN, third the BLUE component.''
 +==== void RGBsetColorEffect(String col, uint8_t effect, int count) ====
 +Set the RGB LED of the board to show the given color and effect.
 +''col = color to show as String in format #FF00FF first 2 digits specify the RED, second the GREEN, third the BLUE component.\\
 +count = how long shall the effect be shown. (10 = 1sec, -1 shows forever.)''
 +==== void RGBsetColor(uint32 color) ====
 +Set the RGB LED of the board to show the given color.
 +''col = color to show as 32 bit int.''
 +==== void RGBsetColorEffect(uint32 color, uint8_t effect, int count) ====
 +Set the RGB LED of the board to show the given color.
 +''col = color to show as 32 bit int.\\
 +count = how long shall the effect be shown. (10 = 1sec, -1 shows forever.)''
 +==== void RGBsetColor(uint8_t red ,uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) ====
 +Set the RGB LED of the board to show the given color
 +''red = RED color component (0-255)\\
 +green = GREEN color component (0-255)\\
 +blue = BLUE color component (0-255)''
 +==== void RGBsetColorEffect(uint8_t red ,uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t effect, int count) ====
 +Set the RGB LED of the board to show the given color and effect.
 +''red = RED color component (0-255)\\
 +green = GREEN color component (0-255)\\
 +blue = BLUE color component (0-255)\\
 +count = how long shall the effect be shown. (10 = 1sec, -1 shows forever.)''
 +==== void RGBclear() ====
 +Set the RGB LED of the board to be OFF
 +==== void RGBsetBrightness(uint8_t b) ====
 +Set the Brightness of the RGB LED of the board.
 +''b = brightness from 0-255''
 +===== Wiring =====
 +===== Examples =====