Table of Contents

Weather Station

This weather station shows the current weather condition and temperature measured in a selected city. It is based on data from OpenWeatherMap and uses a servo to point an arrow to the current weather condition. When clicking button A, the temperature will be displayed on the matrix.

Needed materials



The model for the weather station is available here: model_weatherstation.pdf



Open project in KniwwelinoBlockly


If you have no servo, you can also place the Kniwwelino in the center of the paper plate and display the arrow digitally on the matrix.

The step-by-step instructions for this version are also available as pdf to download and print: 180621_fly_instructions_meteo_v03.pdf

Open project in KniwwelinoBlockly


As a possible extension you can use the matrix to display the evolution of the temperature within the last hours. The last column represents the current temperature, the first four colums show the past measures relatively to the current one (in intervals of 30 minutes). A pixel one row lower means that the temperature was 1 degree lower.

To programm this extension you need to initialize a variable for each past temperature value, as well as a timer. Note: to force a variable to be of type floating point (e.g. 15.0), you need to type 15.0f in the block.

Create a function called refresh which will display the temperature curve on the matrix.

This function is called after having clicked button A (and showing the temperature as scroll text).

As part of the main loop, check how much time has passed since the last update of the temperature curve. If 30 min (1800 sec) have passed, then update all variables, reset the timer and refresh the display.