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en:first_program [2018/06/07 14:21] – [My very first Kniwwelino program] kniwwelinoen:first_program [2019/12/04 09:53] (current) kniwwelino
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 +===== My very first Kniwwelino program =====
 +Before you continue please check that you have:
 +  - Your Kniwwelino plugged to a power source
 +  - Your Kniwwelino configured to access a local WiFi
 +  - You have added your board to your list of boards in Kniwwelino Blockly (online version)
 +If you are unsure about this, please go back to [[en:preparation]] to accomplish these tasks.
 +==== My first program ====
 +As a very first program, you will now learn how to display your name on the matrix of the Kniwwelino.
 +When you open [[https://code.kniwwelino.lu]], you see two blocks on the white zone: 
 +''Kniwwelino on start'' contains the blocks which are only executed once, at the start of Kniwwelino (for instance the variables initialisation).
 +''Kniwwelino repeat forever'' contains the blocks which are executed repeatedly, while Kniwwelino is powered.
 +Both blocks are empty, so no instructions are currently given to Kniwwelino.
 +To tell Kniwwelino to display you name, you have to:
 +**1.** Open the menu ''Matrix'' and click on the block ''Write a text on the Matrix...''
 +**2.** Drag and drop this block inside the block ''Kniwwelino repeat forever''
 +**3.** Click on the default text ''Hello Kniwwelino'', delete it, and replace it with your name
 +The code of your first program is finished. Now you have to upload it onto your Kniwwelino. 
 +**1.** Click on the orange play button at the top right of the screen
 +This will trigger the uploading process.
 +**2.** Wait about 30-60 seconds:
 +The code will first be compiled, then transfered to your Kniwwelino. 
 +As soon as the transfer starts, an arrow will show on your Kniwwelino (in older versions it might also be a cross). 
 +Then your Kniwwelino will reboot and reconnect to your WiFi: all LEDs on the matrix will switch on, then progressively off. 
 +When the RGB LED lights up in green, your Kniwwelino will start to run your code.
 +If you see your name scrolling on the Kniwwelino matrix, you successfully managed to develop your first program and upload the code to your Kniwwelino. 
 +==== Want for more? ====
 +Why not testing one of our [[en:instructions|]] ?