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Best friends wristband

The wristband allows you to send icons or messages to your friends.

To program this example you need to use the buttons, the matrix and the messages.


You can program the wristband progressively. For each step, add the displayed blocks and put them in the right order. You can then test your program by clicking on .

Step 1: Showing an image when a button is pressed

Step 2: Show different images when button A or B is pressed

Step 3: Instead of showing images on your matrix, send them to your friends


Solution: Best friends wristband or open solution in KniwwelinoBlockly

Print versions available for download in Downloads and Links.

Crafting of the wristband

Needed material




  1. Download, print and cut the model.
  2. Copy the shape of the model on the cellular rubber with a pen and cut it.
  3. Attach the Kniwwelino using the brads and the holes of the Kniwwelino.
  4. Create two holes on one side of the wristband with the punch.
  5. Attach the larger brad on the other side of the wristband.

To go further