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If button is pressed
If button was clicked
Button is pressed
Button was clicked
Button options
All button blocks have the option to select a button to evaluate or to even evaluate the logical combination of the build-in buttons.
boolean BUTTONAclicked()
Check if Button A has been clicked (pressed-released) since the last check.
Click state will be reset after checking, means calling this method twice it will report true, false.
return true if yes, false if no.
boolean BUTTONBclicked()
Check if Button B has been clicked (pressed-released) since the last check.
Click state will be reset after checking,means calling this method twice it will report true, false.
return true if yes, false if no.
boolean BUTTONAdown()
Check if Button A is pressed right now.
return true if yes, false if no.
boolean BUTTONBdown()
Check if Button B is pressed right now.
return true if yes, false if no.