void MATRIXwrite(String text, int count, boolean wait)
Write the given text to the matrix and scroll it for a number of times.
text = text to be shown.
count = number of times the text shall be scrolled before disappearing (-1 = forever)
wait = if true, wait before text has been shown before returning.
void MATRIXwrite(String text)
Write the given text to the matrix and scroll it infinitely.
text = text to be shown.
void MATRIXwriteAndWait(String text)
Write the given text to the matrix and scroll it, wait before text has been shown before returning.
text = text to be shown.
void MATRIXwriteOnce(String text)
Write the given text to the matrix and scroll it once.
text = text to be shown.
void MATRIXdrawIcon(String iconString)
Draw the given icon on the matrix.
Icon is given as string and accepted in the following formats:
- “B1111100000111110000011111” 25 pixels binary one after the other, prefix B
- “0x7008E828A0” one byte for each 5px row, prefix 0x
iconString = icon to be shown.
void MATRIXdrawIcon(uint32_t iconLong)
Draw the given icon on the matrix.
Icon is given as 32bit long. Bits correspond to the pixels starting at top left.
iconLong = icon to be shown.
void MATRIXsetPixel(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t on)
Sets the given pixel of the matrix to be on or off
x = pixel column
y = pixel row
on = true→ Pixel on, false→Pixel off.
void MATRIXsetBlinkRate(uint8_t b)
Sets the blink rate of the matrix.
void MATRIXsetBrightness(uint8_t b)
Sets the brightness of the matrix.
b = Brightness (range 1-15)
void MATRIXshowID()
Show the internal device ID on the matrix as on/off digital pattern.
The first 5 digits of the ID on the 5 lines (first 4 cols), the last digits of the ID on the 5th column